Hope everyone reading this, well every one any way, had a happy Christmas and new year, so far. It doesn't sound like a lockdown is coming. We are being left to use our common sence. Which some people don't seem to have. I feel that I would like to say a few things to some person who has written on walls around Exeter, saying anti vacine things, such as, It's my body my choice. Doesn't he have parents, grandparents perhaps, who he is putting at risk, as well as others he comes in contact with? Perhaps he's(asuming its a man) afraid of needles. We should all know the vacines are safe, by now.
There, I've done ranting. We had a zoom meeting with relatives, each family doing a quiz, which was fun. My granddaughter wanted to yel at her cousen, and he back. They got bored with the whole thing and took them selves off to play, which is normal for a three and a hlf and four year old. Granddaighter did shout the answer to some of our questions. She had been watching Jungle Book and we included a could of questions about characters in it. She remebered the names of them. Made every one laugh.
Finally, many thanks to everyone who bought a painting, or two, in one instance, off me last year.